Prof. Eliahu Cohen

From Quantum Foundations to Optical Quantum Technologies


My name is Eli Cohen and I'm an associate professor at the Faculty of Engineering. I'm also a member of the Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials  and the center for Quantum Entanglement Science&Technology. I'm the head of the new Quantum Engineering BSc Program.

I'm currently teaching Quantum Computation (83807), Applied Quantum Mechanics (83204), Applied Thermodynamics (83644) and From Quantum Foundations to Quantum Technologies (83925).

I did my PhD (thesis title: "Time and Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics") at Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Profs. Yakir Aharonov and Lev Vaidman. I then continued to a postdoc at the University of Bristol (specializing in quantum information with Prof. Sandu Popescu) and to a research associate position at the University of Ottawa (specializing in quantum photonics with Prof. Ebrahim Karimi). I've been working on a variety of topics ranging from quantum foundations and quantum information to quantum optics and quantum field theory. A main theme in many of the above works was Quantum Entanglement. I've been also doing a little bit of  research in the areas of quantum gravity/cosmology, as well as classical physics/engineering.

I'm a theorist, but over the years I've enjoyed fruitful collaborations with various experimental groups.

Here's a brief article in Hebrew and English about quantum engineering (and myself). And here is a more recent one in Hebrew published in Haaretz newspaper.

This website keeps updating, but additional information and publications can be found at:
Google Scholar

