Gonen Singer, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering and Data Science at Bar-Ilan University. Before joining to Bar Ilan, he held two positions: the first, as a Senior Lecturer at AFEKA-Tel-Aviv Academic College of Engineering. He joined to the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at AFEKA, shortly after its establishment at 2008 and was appointed as Head of the Department in the years 2009-2015 ; the second, as co-founder and head of israel site of CB4, a company that provides granular predictive analytics solutions to retail organization. The company was supported by Sequoia Capital and other VCs and acquired by GAP in 2021. Gonen Singer has extensive expertise in machine learning techniques and stochastic optimal control and their application to real-world problems in different areas, such as retail, healthcare, manufacturing and education. Gonen led R&D teams as principal investigators on several practicable research grants obtained from various sources including the Prime Minister's Office, Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Trade and Commerce, Intuit Inc., and Israel Defence Force.