Research Interests

  • Human Resources Analytics (HRA) & People Analytics (PA)
  • Technology, Artificial Intelligence & Organizations
  • Work Modeling & Analysis
  • New Forms of Work
  • Person-Skill Fit Model

Current Research and Scholarly Interests

In recent years, we have been observing a substantial transformation in organizations and in labor. New trends like data-driven decision making, freelancing, remote working, digital transformation, artificial intelligence-based work and skills-driven specializations are taking larger portions in the professional lives of workers.

Despite these advances, there are still substantial gaps in our understanding of how firms can implement and utilize new tools for improved performance.

My research is geared towards addressing these challenges, and in particular, towards understanding how to enhance firm and individual performance utilizing Human Resources Analytics (HRA) and People Analytics (PA).

In particular, my research is untangling how data analytics technologies and hyper-specialization shape the division and integration of labor in complex, collaborative work settings.

In my research I investigate how digital transformation, such as AI, machine learning, and big data analytics, can be used to improve organizational and human capital performance.