- Two papers accepted to ICML 2024, one of them by Jonathan Svirsky.
- Two papers accepted to UAI 2024, one of them by Amit Rozner and Barak Battash .
- Congratulations to Idan Cohen for his first paper accepted at ICASSP 2024.
- Congratulations to Amit Rozner and Barak Battash for two accepted papers: Efficient Verification-Based Face Identification and Domain-Generalizable Multiple-Domain Clustering.
- Congratulations to Jonathan Svirsky for winning DSI Outstanding Publication Award.
- Support recovery with Projected Stochastic Gates: Theory and application for linear models accepted to Signal Processing!
- Domain and Modality Adaptation Using Multi-Kernel Matching accepted to EUSIPCO 2023!
- Multi-modal Differentiable Unsupervised Feature Selection accepted to UAI 2023!
- SG-VAD: Stochastic Gates-Based Speech Activity Detection will be presented at ICASSP 2023!
- Locally Sparse Neural Networks for Tabular Biomedical Data accepted to ICML 2022!
- Deep Unsupervised Feature Selection by Discarding Nuisance and Correlated Features accepted to Elsevier Neural Networks.
- Refined Least Squares for Support Recovery accepted to Signal Processing!
- L0- Sparse Canonical Correlation Analysis accepted to ICLR 2022!
About Me
I am a senior lecturer (assistant professor) at Bar Ilan University, Faculty of Engineering. I completed a Postdoc at Yale University in the applied math department, working with Prof. Ronald Coifman and Prof. Yuval Kluger. I completed my Ph.D. at the Department of Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University under the supervision of Prof. Arie Yeredor and Prof. Amir Averbuch. My research is primarily focused on developing novel machine-learning methods for scientific discovery. My interest includes computational biology, signal processing, music, and audio analysis, manifold learning, spectral methods for data mining, and dimensionality reduction.
Email: ofirlin@gmail.com